18 September 2024 10:30(KST)
South Korea


The 10th Anniversary of the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit is set to be held on 18 September 2024 in South Korea, and various locations across the globe. The event is held to commemorate the 2014 HWPL World Peace Summit and examine the key achievements of the agreements signed that day to establish future plans. At the 10th anniversary this year, regional events will be held in different corners of the world to establish networks to promote peace, help peace take root, and encourage collaboration to this end.

2. Description

In 2014, Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL) hosted the September 18th HWPL World Peace Summit in Seoul, South Korea, with leaders in politics, religion, women’s groups, youth groups, and the media in attendance. HWPL and leaders of various sectors convened to discuss conflict resolution, establishment of peace, and mutual cooperation, and signed landmark agreements on building and implementing solid systems for cooperation. The agreements covered implementing legal instruments to ensure peace, building religious harmony, and peace activities by state actors and citizens, respectively. Such agreements became the basis of further discussions that have taken place every year on 18 September as the signing entities continue their exchange on peace strategies.

The global community has been striving to end wars and resolve recurring disputes. International organizations have poured in efforts to address cross-border conflicts and establish international norms to help peace take root while states across the globe have long-contemplated means to promote harmony and reduce conflicts by reinforcing inter-national collaboration for each state’s stability and prosperity. Numerous non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have been practicing peace activities that pursue tolerance and reconciliation at the local level, driven by voluntary civilian engagement and support.

However, grave issues are prohibiting the spread and settlement of peace at home and abroad. In addition to traditional factors leading to disputes, recently emerging threats are heightening global uncertainties. Military and economic tensions among major powers, the war in Ukraine, post-pandemic recovery, climate change, cyber security, disinformation and propaganda, migration and refugees, and the decline in multilateralism are intricately intertwined, complicating resolution efforts and amplifying future uncertainties.

At this juncture, many individuals and institutions cooperating with HWPL have been putting in concerted efforts to ensure that peace takes a firm root, a shared aspiration crucial for the survival of humanity. HWPL has been spearheading the collective efforts to establish peace governance that brings together the individual actions of international organizations, governments, and civil societies by connecting them. Building upon a decade of global peace initiatives with members and partners worldwide, this year’s emphasis is on establishing peace at a regional level. To collaborate to resolve regional issues that threaten peace and to harness collective capacities, we will strengthen regional networks.

Under the slogan, “Let’s have everyone become a messenger of peace,” HWPL has been enlightening everyone that each individual holds both the right and responsibility for peace at international, national, regional, and local levels. Through the power of the citizens who proactively work to establish peace and ensure it takes a firm root, a lasting global peace will be established and lead to the birth of a true world peace community.


10:30 Opening
Progress Report
Commemorative Speeches
Chairman of Heavenly Culture, World Peace, Restoration of Light (HWPL)
General Director of International Peace Youth Group (IPYG)
Chairwoman of International Women’s Peace Group (IWPG)
MOU Signing Ceremony
Campaign Launching Ceremony
Congratulatory Speeches
Speech. Regional Project Case Presentations
Speech. Regional Project Case Presentations


Ven. Hye Chong
Supreme Patriarch, Jogye Order of Korean Buddhism

Dr. Jose Honorio da Costa Pereira Jeronimo
Minister of Higher Education, Science and Culture of Timor-Leste


If there is a time to intensify the efforts of HWPL it is now.
The death and destruction taking place in Gaza, Ukraine and other parts of the world is not a reflection of our Humanity as a civilized society.
HWPL has been calling for a culture of peace in the last ten years, but the time has come for HWPL to join with other peace Movements to make representation to the relevant International Organisations and Institutions advancing an Agenda of Peace and Brotherhood in the world.
It is important to have all peace movements under one umbrella organization to champion the cause of peace and to promote Humanity and Brotherhood.
Congratulations on your tenth anniversary and continue to spread the message of peace throughout the world.

Tillman Thomas
Former Prime Minister of Grenada, Grenada

Greetings to HWPL World Peace Summit and congratulations on your 10th Anniversary. Your journey towards your goal is an eye-opener on the importance of peace education in our lives. It brings a great impact not only the learners but to the various people in the field of education as well. Since we are facing different challenges, peace education helps in balancing the positive and negative aspects of reality, experiencing a little of heaven and a beam of light in our peaceful environment. Again, Congratulations and more power… God bless!

Maria Rhea L. Consignado
Head Teacher of Banilad Elementary School, Philippines

I sincerely congratulate HWPL on its 10th anniversary. The slogan “We are one” is now being shouted naturally, spreading beyond Korea to the world. I hope that the peace march will continue until the day when wars end and world peace is achieved, and I think it is important to start with myself so that the fruits can be passed on to our descendants. I congratulate you again on the 10th anniversary, and let us all shout “We are one.”

Abbot of HwaMyeong Buddhist temple, South Korea

Since the proclamation of the International Day of Peace in 1981, wars and conflicts have persisted globally, continuing to this day. Although ordinary citizens do not desire war, they are often ignored by political leaders and drawn into regional and global conflicts. These destructive policies have endured for a long time, and humanity has yet to learn the lesson that war should be abolished and that society should be maintained through peaceful negotiations. Humanity has handed over its power to leaders who often pursue agendas contrary to the interests of their citizens. There is a need for further discussion on what should be done to achieve peace in the future. Lastly, congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the HWPL World Peace Summit.

Teodor Meleșcanu
Former Miniser of Romania, Romania

As HWPL celebrate 10th anniversary on 18th of September, my peace message is that peace is not necessary absence of war rather inculcating the values of resolving disagreements without resorting to violence. It is our collective responsibility to work for peace globally. Ongoing wars in some countries have caused a lot of suffering and humanitarian crisis. We should as well collectively advocate for strengthening of the institutions of peace and justice as safeguards to global peace and stability.  My deepest appreciation and gratitude to HWPL for the high level engagements with heads of State and government to commit themselves to working for global peace.

Peter Lomude Francis
Chairman of The Constituency Development Fund, South Sudan 

Peace is more than the absence of war; it is the presence of justice, equality, and mutual respect. It requires each of us to look beyond our own interests and to work together for the common good. Whether in our homes, our communities, or on the global stage, we must foster dialogue, empathy, and cooperation.
Let us lay down the weapons of war and pick up the tools of dialogue and diplomacy. Let us reject the forces of division and embrace the power of unity. Let us replace fear with hope, anger with kindness, and violence with love.
We call upon all leaders, communities, and individuals to make a commitment to peace in every aspect of our lives. It is only through our collective effort that we can build a world where every person can live in dignity, free from fear and want.
Let us be the change we wish to see in the world. Let us be the peacemakers.

Tharwat Gaid Salama Gaballa
Executive Director of Horus foundation for Development and training, Egypt

As we celebrate the 10 decades of global peace, we are reminded to join hands as one universe to advocate for peace worldwide. We should come together to bring about peace in DRC, we should equally come together to cease fire in Ukraine, we should be able to find a lasting peace in Gaza.
As young people we have the obligation to contribute towards the global peace. Finally, it’s our responsibility alabally to make sure
As young people we have the obligation to contribute towards the global peace. Finally, it’s our responsibility globally to make sure that we preserve the resources and the tranquility of this world for the next generation before us to inherit and enjoy a world of peace.
If we don’t do that the next Generation will judge us for handing our a world of war and instability with no resources left for them.
Happy 10th Anniversary of promoting and Advocating for peace globally #HWPL10th World Peace Summit #A decade of peace.

Robert Maseka
Founder of Rob Youth Foundation(RYF), Namibia

As we celebrate HWPL’s 10th anniversary, a partner of the g7+ in our shared peace journey, I want to express my hope for lasting peace in three key points: First: Unhealed societal and social wounds from war become the seeds of future conflicts. We must heal these scars through truth, reconciliation, and dialogue. We can’t change the past, but we can choose to build a peaceful future. Second: We have morem in common than what divides us. Let’s focus on shared values, listening to each other with humility-an unstoppable force against division.
Third: Humanity faces unprecedented challenges. Only through solidarity and cooperation can we survive and thrive. In a world more connected yet divided, it’s solidarity that will unite us.

Habib Ur Rehman Mayar
Deputy of g7+, Afghanistan

As we celebrate the 10th anniversary of the HWPL World Peace Summit, I want to express my heartfelt solidarity with all the peace messengers around the globe. For the past decade, HWPL has truly been a shining light, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds and beliefs in our shared quest for lasting peace.
Let’s take this moment to reflect on how far we’ve come and feel inspired to keep pushing forward. Peace isn’t just a lofty idea; it’s essential for our survival and well-being as a global community. I believe that if we come together with open hearts and a common vision, we can create a world free from war and conflict.
Together, we can create a legacy of peace that will resonate for generations to come.

Ms. Mayaf Mardan Taher
Assistant Professor of University of Zakho, Iraq

The important thing in the message of peace would be to make the world more beautiful for everyone. Peace comes first and ending hunger in the world comes next. We cannot allow children to be killed by the bombs of any nation. We are failing as human beings. As long as we do not stop killing innocents.

Miguel Ángel Fabre
Co-founder of Life TV, Spain


Thank you sincerely for uniting your hearts in the work of peace.
Your organization’s contribution will be recorded in history and shine forever.

Parlamento Andino(PARLANDINO)

ICPNC(Independent Commission for Peace and National Cohesion in Sierra Leone)

COPPEM(Comitato Permanente per il Partenariato Euromediterraneo)

Ministério do Ensino Superior, Ciência e Cultura

Jamaica National Commission for UNESCO

Jamaica Constabulary Force

Ministry of Youth and Sports of Republic of South Sudan

Ministru Juventude, Desportu, Arte no Kultura de Timor-Leste

Timor Leste Press Council



Guru Gobind Singh Study Circle















(사)한국산림보호협회 중앙회


국군불교진흥회 중앙회





나주시 지속가능발전협의회

(사)한국불교극락조계종 은곡선원


대한예수교장로회 열린총회

대한민국 6.25 참전 유공자회 안산시지부

대한민국 6.25참전유공자회 제천시지회

대한민국 6.25참전유공자회 진주지회

대한민국 6.25참전 유공자회 전북지부

대한민국 6.25참전 유공자회 군산시지회

대한민국 고엽제전우회 충북지부

대한민국 고엽제전우회 제천시지회

대한민국 고엽제전우회 동해시지회

대한민국 고엽제전우회 충주시지회

대한민국 고엽제전우회 전북지부 정읍시지회

대한민국 고엽제전우회 울산광역시지부 중구지회

대한민국 무공수훈자회 제천시지회

대한민국 무공수훈자회 충주시지회

대한민국 월남전참전자회 충북지부

월남전참전자회 인천중구지회

상이군경회 경주지부

대한민국 상이군경회 전북지부 정읍시지회

제천시 재향군인회

























한국장애경제인협회 부산지회



(사)한국장애인녹색재단 경상북도지부

한국뇌병변장애인인권협회 경북협회

(사)한국산재장애인 인천시협회

(사)한국신체장애인복지회 군산지부

(사)한국장애인문화협회 군산시지부





한민족 문명진흥원




(사)한글세계화 문화재단








(사)충효안보연합 인천시지부



(사)환경21연대 화순지부

굴포천 환경관리 시민연합

(사)대자연환경운동연합중앙회 충북연합회

한국NGO 중앙연맹


희망마을 사회적협동조합





남구 체육회 육상연맹

대구광역시 체육회 줄다리기협회

대구광역시 수성구 체육회 줄다리기 협회



(사)양천구 주부환경연합회


(사)남인수 기념사업회(남인수가요제)



감정평가법인 감동


한국불교조계종 협의회

세계불교 승황성







한국불교 여래종

한국불교 대불종

보국불교 염불종

대한불교 선화종

한국불교 법화종

대한불교조계종 마하무량사

대각불교조계종 오룡사

세계불교승가협의회 명산정사

대한불교조계종 관음사

대한불교현조계종 용문사

생활불교조계종 법륜사

한국불교문수종 영지정사

참불교연대 반야선원

한국불교태고종 금당사

한국불교태고종 관음사

한국불교극락조계종 은곡선원

한국불교태고종 대원정사

한국불교태고종 낙산 선국사

(사)대한불교용화조계종 봉화사


기장바다마라톤대회 조직위원회


Mairie de la commune rurale de Macina

La CISCO(Circonscription Scolaire) d’Antananarivo Renivohitra

PDHJ(Provedoria dos Direitos Humanos e Justiça)

Asosiasaun HAK Timor-Leste

PERHAKHI(Perkumpulan Penasihat Konsultan Hukum Indonesia)

Confederation of Indian Bar

Peace and Friendship Organization of Mongolia

Institute for Peace and Security Studies

Christ Academy Institute of Law(CAIL)

Ramaiah College of Law

Karnataka State Law University(KSLU)

D Y Patil deemed to be University School of Law

Programa Monitorizasaun Sistema Judisiál

World Peace and Diplomacy Organisation

Asian African Chamber of Commerce And Industry

Community Council of Metropolitan Atlanta

Working Arts Accomplishing Your Unlimited Potential

Svět bez válek a násilí

Lony Society

APSA : Action pour la Protection Sociale en Afrique

Alexander Mumba Sakakla Foundation

(Centre de Recherches Pluridisciplinaires sur l’Intelligence Artificielle)

Opa – Ayen(Observatoire du politique en AFRIQUE)

Khin Maung Cho & Associates

Lead Hill School

Volunteer HUB

Omena Movement

National Press Workers Union of Dominican Republic

Bio Vision Africa

PERWIRA(Perkumpulan Perempuan Wirausaha Indonesia)

OEMC(Office de l’éducation de masse et du civisme)

Schools Division Office of Southern Leyte Province

Schools Division Office of Cavite Province

Schools Division Office of Laguna Province

Schools Division Office of Benguet Province

Lusaka District Education Board

Schools Division Office of Cotabato City

Schools Division Office of Marawi City

Schools Division Office of San Pedro City, Laguna

Schools Division Office of Navotas City

Karnataka State Rural Development and Panchayat Raj University

East Timor Coffee Institute

Instituto Politécnico De Betano

Instituto Superior Cristal

Instituto Universitário Naroman Esperansa

Universidade Oriental de Timor Lorosa`e


University of Dili


Kampuchea Action to Promote Education(KAPE)

University of Zakho

Vikram University, Ujjain

Central University of Tamil Nadu

Державний податковий університет

Mar Elias Educational Institutions

Y.A.R.D.(Youth Arts and Recreational Development) Empire

Cotabato State University

Federation of Christian Schools Cavite Philippines

Вищий навчальний заклад «Університет імені Альфреда Нобеля»

Полтавський державний медичний університет

Громадська організація «Університетська Єдність»

Sangguniang Kabataan Federation of Hinigaran

International Lions Club Pokhara branch

جمعية معاً لحماية الإنسان والبيئة

SOHAS Charity

Youth for Human Rights International New South Wales branch

United for Human Rights International New South Wales branch

Indian Chamber of Commerce for Affirmative Action(ICCAA)

Conseil National de la Jeunesse du Cameroun

Conselho Nasional Da Juventude De Timor Leste

Group of Seven Plus(g7+)

South Sudan National Youth Union


Ministry of Peace Building, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan

National Youth Council Sierra Leone

The POP Movement

SCEAD Foundation India

Rob Youth Foundation(RYF)

JCI Beau-Bassin Rose-Hill

Africa Unite

Conseil National de la Jeunesse de Côte d’Ivoire

Zambia Scout Association

National Partnership of Children and Youth in Peace Building(NPCYP)

United Nations Youth Association of Kenya

Business Woman Magazine

Radio Rizal Connect FM 100.9


Mon News Agency


VIP tv


DBS tv

Cameroon_Association des femmes des medias prvies

Heritage Consortium Foundation

Media Labeh

Sapnews TL

Media Mudansa

Radio Liberdade Dili

Khonumthung media group

The Mail

Juba Echo

Twic Media Reports

Tonj Times

South Sudan Media

Le gardien

Mwanga Actu

Andika Magazine


Burkina Flash Info

Kamer Press


Lafaek News

Radio Comunidade Comoro

The South Mirror

Catholic Radio Network

Afrique Durable

Radio Ngato

The Poligens News

Colombe Media


The City Review Digital

CS Media

Tamitan Production

Jornal Independente

Voice of Freedom


Multimedia Agency

Radio Sandigan

Govardhan Ecovillage

National Interfaith Council of South Africa(NICSA)

IMAM Council of the Philippines

Takht Sri Damdama Sahib

Sikh Dharma Universal

Melkite Greek Catholic Church em. of Galilee

Wat Thai Dhammaram, Waterloo, Belgium

the Union of Thai Sangha in Europe

คณะกรรมการอิสลามประจำจังหวัด ปัตตานี ประเทศไทย

Mezquita At-tau

Cameroon Council of Imams, Mosques and Islamic Affairs(COCIMAI)

Cameroon Cultural and Humanitarian Centre(CCHUC)

World Zarathushti Cultural Foundation

भारतीय सर्वधर्म संसद

Muslim Association of Malawi

the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Blantyre in Malawi

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